The Convolutional Gaussian Process

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using AbstractGPs
using KernelFunctions
using LinearAlgebra
using MLDatasets
using Random
using Stheno

using AbstractGPs: AbstractGP
using Stheno: DerivedGP

Load MNIST training data set.

train_x_full, train_y_full = MNIST.traindata(Float32);
┌ Warning: MNIST.traindata() is deprecated, use `MNIST(split=:train)[:]` instead.
└ @ MLDatasets ~/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/bg0uc/src/datasets/vision/mnist.jl:187

Pull out the 1s and 2s.

ones_and_twos_indices = findall(y -> y == 1 || y == 2, train_y_full);
train_x = train_x_full[:, :, ones_and_twos_indices];
train_y = train_y_full[ones_and_twos_indices];

Simple wrapper type representing a stack of greyscale images.

struct GreyScaleImageVector{T<:Real} <: AbstractVector{Matrix{T}}
    X::Array{T, 3}

Base.getindex(x::GreyScaleImageVector, n::Integer) = x.X[:, :, n]

Base.size(x::GreyScaleImageVector) = (size(x.X, 3), )

function extract_patches(x::GreyScaleImageVector)
    X = x.X
    return [
        ColVecs(reshape(getindex(X, p:p+2, q:q+2, :), :, size(X, 3))) for
        p in 1:size(X, 1)-2 for q in 1:size(X, 2)-2
extract_patches (generic function with 1 method)

Specify the linear transformation

patch_convolve(g::AbstractGP) = DerivedGP((patch_convolve, g), g.gpc)

const patch_args = Tuple{typeof(patch_convolve), AbstractGP}

function AbstractGPs.mean((_, g)::patch_args, x::GreyScaleImageVector)
    return sum(map(xp -> mean(g, xp), extract_patches(x)))

function AbstractGPs.cov(
    (_, g)::patch_args, f′::AbstractGP, x::GreyScaleImageVector, x′::AbstractVector
    return sum(map(xp -> cov(g, xp, x′), extract_patches(x)))

function AbstractGPs.cov(
    f::AbstractGP, (_, g)::patch_args, x::AbstractVector, x′::GreyScaleImageVector
    return sum(map(xp′ -> cov(g, x, xp′), extract_patches(x′)))

function AbstractGPs.cov(
    (_, g)::patch_args, x::GreyScaleImageVector, x′::GreyScaleImageVector
    xps = extract_patches(x)
    xp′s = extract_patches(x′)
    return sum(map(xp′ -> sum(map(xp -> cov(g, xp, xp′), xps)), xp′s))

AbstractGPs.cov(args::patch_args, x::GreyScaleImageVector) = cov(args, x, x)

function AbstractGPs.var((_, g)::patch_args, x::GreyScaleImageVector)
    xps = extract_patches(x)
    return sum(map(xp′ -> sum(map(xp -> var(g, xp, xp′), xps)), xps))

Specify a simple GPPP using this transformation.

function build_gp(θ)
    return @gppp let
        g = GP(θ.var * with_lengthscale(SEKernel(), θ.l))
        f = patch_convolve(g)
build_gp (generic function with 1 method)

Check that things work.

x = GreyScaleImageVector(train_x[:, :, 1:10]);

f = build_gp((var=1, l=1))
mean(f, GPPPInput(:f, x))
cov(f, GPPPInput(:f, x), GPPPInput(:g, extract_patches(x)[1]))
cov(f, GPPPInput(:f, x), GPPPInput(:f, x))
var(f, GPPPInput(:f, x))

var(f, GPPPInput(:f, x)) ≈ diag(cov(f, GPPPInput(:f, x), GPPPInput(:f, x)))

Apply pseudo-point approximation

M = 100;
z = GPPPInput(:g, ColVecs(randn(9, M)));
x = GPPPInput(:f, GreyScaleImageVector(train_x[:, :, 1:15]));

y = rand(f(x, 0.1))

cov(f, x, z)

elbo(VFE(f(z)), f(x, 0.1), y)

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