User guide

Kernel Creation

To create a kernel object, choose one of the pre-implemented kernels, see Kernel Functions, or create your own, see Creating your own kernel. For example, a squared exponential kernel is created by

  k = SqExponentialKernel()
How do I set the lengthscale(s)?

Instead of having lengthscale(s) for each kernel we use Transform objects which act on the inputs before passing them to the kernel. Note that the transforms such as ScaleTransform and ARDTransform multiply the input by a scale factor, which corresponds to the inverse of the lengthscale. For example, a lengthscale of 0.5 is equivalent to premultiplying the input by 2.0, and you can create the corresponding kernel in either of the following equivalent ways:

  k = SqExponentialKernel() ∘ ScaleTransform(2.0)

  k = compose(SqExponentialKernel(), ScaleTransform(2.0))

Alternatively, you can use the convenience function with_lengthscale:

k = with_lengthscale(SqExponentialKernel(), 0.5)

with_lengthscale also works with vector-valued lengthscales for multiple-dimensional inputs, and is equivalent to pre-composing with an ARDTransform:

length_scales = [1.0, 2.0]
k = with_lengthscale(SqExponentialKernel(), length_scales)
k = SqExponentialKernel() ∘ ARDTransform(1 ./ length_scales)

Check the Input Transforms page for more details.

How do I set the kernel variance?

To premultiply the kernel by a variance, you can use * with a scalar number:

  k = 3.0 * SqExponentialKernel()
How do I use a Mahalanobis kernel?

The MahalanobisKernel(; P=P), defined by

\[k(x, x'; P) = \exp{\big(- (x - x')^\top P (x - x')\big)}\]

for a positive definite matrix $P = Q^\top Q$, was removed in 0.9. Instead you can use a squared exponential kernel together with a LinearTransform of the inputs:

k = SqExponentialKernel() ∘ LinearTransform(sqrt(2) .* Q)

Analogously, you can combine other kernels such as the PiecewisePolynomialKernel with a LinearTransform of the inputs to obtain a kernel that is a function of the Mahalanobis distance between inputs.

Using a Kernel Function

To evaluate the kernel function on two vectors you simply call the kernel object:

k = SqExponentialKernel()
x1 = rand(3)
x2 = rand(3)
k(x1, x2)

Creating a Kernel Matrix

Kernel matrices can be created via the kernelmatrix function or kernelmatrix_diag for only the diagonal. For example, for a collection of 10 Real-valued inputs:

k = SqExponentialKernel()
x = rand(10)
kernelmatrix(k, x) # 10x10 matrix

If your inputs are multi-dimensional, it is common to represent them as a matrix. For example

X = rand(10, 5)

However, it is ambiguous whether this represents a collection of 10 5-dimensional row-vectors, or 5 10-dimensional column-vectors. Therefore, we require users to provide some more information.

You can write RowVecs(X) to declare that X contains 10 5-dimensional row-vectors, or ColVecs(X) to declare that X contains 5 10-dimensional column-vectors, then

kernelmatrix(k, RowVecs(X))  # returns a 10×10 matrix -- each row of X treated as input
kernelmatrix(k, ColVecs(X))  # returns a 5×5 matrix -- each column of X treated as input

This is the mechanism used throughout KernelFunctions.jl to handle multi-dimensional inputs.

You can utilise the obsdim keyword argument if you prefer:

kernelmatrix(k, X; obsdim=1) # same as RowVecs(X)
kernelmatrix(k, X; obsdim=2) # same as ColVecs(X)

This is similar to the convention used in Distances.jl.

So what type should I use to represent a collection of inputs?

The central assumption made by KernelFunctions.jl is that all collections of N inputs are represented by AbstractVectors of length N. Abstraction is then used to ensure that efficiency is retained, ColVecs and RowVecs being the most obvious examples of this.


  1. For Real-valued inputs (scalars), a Vector{<:Real} is fine.
  2. For vector-valued inputs, consider a ColVecs or RowVecs.
  3. For a new input type, simply represent collections of inputs of this type as an AbstractVector.

See Input Types and Design for a more thorough discussion of the considerations made when this design was adopted.

The obsdim kwarg mentioned above is a special case for vector-valued inputs stored in a matrix. It is implemented as a lightweight wrapper that constructs either a RowVecs or ColVecs from your inputs, and passes this on.

Output Types

In addition to plain Matrix-like output, KernelFunctions.jl supports specific output types:

  • For a positive-definite matrix object of type PDMat from PDMats.jl, you can call the following:
using PDMats
k = SqExponentialKernel()
K = kernelpdmat(k, RowVecs(X)) # PDMat
K = kernelpdmat(k, X; obsdim=1) # PDMat

It will create a matrix and in case of bad conditioning will add some diagonal noise until the matrix is considered positive-definite; it will then return a PDMat object. For this method to work in your code you need to include using PDMats first.

  • For a Kronecker matrix, we rely on Kronecker.jl. Here are two examples:
using Kronecker
x = range(0, 1; length=10)
y = range(0, 1; length=50)
K = kernelkronmat(k, [x, y]) # Kronecker matrix
K = kernelkronmat(k, x, 5) # Kronecker matrix

Make sure that k is a kernel compatible with such constructions (with iskroncompatible(k)). Both methods will return a Kronecker matrix. For those methods to work in your code you need to include using Kronecker first.

  • For a Nystrom approximation: kernelmatrix(nystrom(k, X, ρ, obsdim=1)) where ρ is the fraction of data samples used in the approximation.

Composite Kernels

Sums and products of kernels are also valid kernels. They can be created via KernelSum and KernelProduct or using simple operators + and *. For example:

k1 = SqExponentialKernel()
k2 = Matern32Kernel()
k = 0.5 * k1 + 0.2 * k2 # KernelSum
k = k1 * k2 # KernelProduct

Kernel Parameters

What if you want to differentiate through the kernel parameters? This is easy even in a highly nested structure such as:

k = (
    0.5 * SqExponentialKernel() * Matern12Kernel() +
    0.2 * (LinearKernel() ∘ ScaleTransform(2.0) + PolynomialKernel())
) ∘ ARDTransform([0.1, 0.5])

One can access the named tuple of trainable parameters via Functors.functor from Functors.jl. This means that in practice you can implicitly optimize the kernel parameters by calling:

using Flux
kernelparams = Flux.params(k)
Flux.gradient(kernelparams) do
    # ... some loss function on the kernel ....