Custom Kernels

Creating your own kernel

KernelFunctions.jl contains the most popular kernels already but you might want to make your own!

Here are a few ways depending on how complicated your kernel is:

SimpleKernel for kernel functions depending on a metric

If your kernel function is of the form k(x, y) = f(d(x, y)) where d(x, y) is a PreMetric, you can construct your custom kernel by defining kappa and metric for your kernel. Here is for example how one can define the SqExponentialKernel again:

struct MyKernel <: KernelFunctions.SimpleKernel end

KernelFunctions.kappa(::MyKernel, d2::Real) = exp(-d2)
KernelFunctions.metric(::MyKernel) = SqEuclidean()

Kernel for more complex kernels

If your kernel does not satisfy such a representation, all you need to do is define (k::MyKernel)(x, y) and inherit from Kernel. For example, we recreate here the NeuralNetworkKernel:

struct MyKernel <: KernelFunctions.Kernel end

(::MyKernel)(x, y) = asin(dot(x, y) / sqrt((1 + sum(abs2, x)) * (1 + sum(abs2, y))))

Note that the fallback implementation of the base Kernel evaluation does not use Distances.jl and can therefore be a bit slower.

Additional Options

Finally there are additional functions you can define to bring in more features:

  • KernelFunctions.iskroncompatible(k::MyKernel): if your kernel factorizes in dimensions, you can declare your kernel as iskroncompatible(k) = true to use Kronecker methods.
  • KernelFunctions.dim(x::MyDataType): by default the dimension of the inputs will only be checked for vectors of type AbstractVector{<:Real}. If you want to check the dimensionality of your inputs, dispatch the dim function on your datatype. Note that 0 is the default.
  • dim is called within KernelFunctions.validate_inputs(x::MyDataType, y::MyDataType), which can instead be directly overloaded if you want to run special checks for your input types.
  • kernelmatrix(k::MyKernel, ...): you can redefine the diverse kernelmatrix functions to eventually optimize the computations.
  • Base.print(io::IO, k::MyKernel): if you want to specialize the printing of your kernel.

KernelFunctions uses Functors.jl for specifying trainable kernel parameters in a way that is compatible with the Flux ML framework. You can use Functors.@functor if all fields of your kernel struct are trainable. Note that optimization algorithms in Flux are not compatible with scalar parameters (yet), and hence vector-valued parameters should be preferred.

import Functors

struct MyKernel{T} <: KernelFunctions.Kernel

Functors.@functor MyKernel

If only a subset of the fields are trainable, you have to specify explicitly how to (re)construct the kernel with modified parameter values by implementing Functors.functor(::Type{<:MyKernel}, x) for your kernel struct:

import Functors

struct MyKernel{T} <: KernelFunctions.Kernel

function Functors.functor(::Type{<:MyKernel}, x::MyKernel)
    function reconstruct_mykernel(xs)
        # keep field `n` of the original kernel and set `a` to (possibly different) `xs.a`
        return MyKernel(x.n, xs.a)
    return (a = x.a,), reconstruct_mykernel