Negative Binomial Likelihood (Logistic Link)

The NegativeBinomialLikelihood with the failure parametrization with a logistic link $\sigma$ is defined as

\[ p(y|f,\text{failures}) = \operatorname{NB}(y|\sigma(f),\text{failures}) = {y + \text{failures} - 1 \choose y} (1 - \sigma(f))^{\text{failures}} \sigma^y(f)\]

To understand more about the different Negative Binomial parametrizations, please read the GPLikelihoods.jl docs.

To build such a likelihood, you can do NegativeBinomialLikelihood(NBParamFailures(failures)).

The augmentation

Reworking the sigmoids, and using $r=\text{failures}$ we obtain the following likelihood:

\[p(y|f,r) = C(y,r) \sigma^r(-f)\sigma^y(f)\]

We are reusing the augmentation from the Bernoulli Likelihood (Logistic Link) section and use the additivity properties of the Polya-Gamma variables:

\[\begin{align*} p(y|f,r) &= C(y,r)\int_0^\infty \frac{1}{2^r}\exp\left(-\frac{f}{2}r - \frac{f^2}{2}\omega\right)\operatorname{PG}(\omega|r, 0)d\omega\int_0^\infty\frac{1}{2^y}\exp\left(\frac{f}{2}y - \frac{f^2}{2}\omega\right)\operatorname{PG}(\omega|y,0)d\omega\\ &= C(y,r)\int_0^\infty\frac{1}{2^{r+y}}\exp\left(\frac{f}{2}(y-r) -\frac{f^2}{2}\omega\right)\operatorname{PG}(\omega|r+y,0)d\omega, \end{align*}\]

where $C(y,r) = {y + r - 1 \choose y}$. We can now augment with the new variable $\omega$:

\[p(y,\omega|f,r) = C(y, r) 2^{-(y+r)}\exp\left(\frac{f}{2}(y-r) -\frac{f^2}{2}\omega\right)\operatorname{PG}(\omega|r+y,0)\]

Conditional distributions (Sampling)

We are interested in the full-conditionals $p(f|y,\omega,r)$ and $p(\omega|y,f,r)$:

\[\begin{align*} p(f|y,\omega) =& \mathcal{N}(f|\mu,\Sigma)\\ \Sigma =& \left(K^{-1} + \operatorname{Diagonal}(\omega)\right)^{-1}\\ \mu =& \Sigma\left(\frac{y - r}{2} + K^{-1}\mu_0\right)\\ p(\omega_i|y_i,f_i) \propto& \exp(-\frac{f_i^2}{2}\omega)\operatorname{PG}(\omega_i|1,0)\\ =& \operatorname{PG}(\omega_i|y_i+r,|f_i|) \end{align*}\]

Variational distributions (Variational Inference)

We define the variational distribution with a block mean-field approximation:

\[ q(f,\omega) = q(f)\prod_{i=1}^Nq(\omega_i) = \mathcal{N}(f|m,S)\prod_{i=1}^N \operatorname{PG}(\omega_i|y_i + r, c_i).\]

The optimal variational parameters are given by:

\[\begin{align*} c_i =& \sqrt{\mu_i^2 + S_{ii}},\\ S =& \left(K^{-1} + \operatorname{Diagonal}(\theta)\right)^{-1},\\ m =& \Sigma\left(\frac{y - r}{2} + K^{-1}\mu_0\right), \end{align*}\]

where $\theta_i = E_{q(\omega_i)}[\omega_i] = \frac{y_i + r}{2c_i}\tanh\left(\frac{c_i}{2}\right)$.

We get the ELBO as

\[ \mathcal{L} = \sum_{i=1}^N -(y_i + r)\log 2 + \frac{(y_i - r) m_i}{2} - \frac{m_i^2 + S_{ii}}{2}\theta_i - \operatorname{KL}(q(\omega)||p(\omega)) - \operatorname{KL}(q(f)||p(f)),\]


\[ \operatorname{KL}(q(\omega_i|y_i+r,c)||p(\omega_i|y_i+r,0)) = (y_i + r) \log \cosh \left(\frac{c_i}{2}\right) - c_i^2\frac{\theta_i}{2}\]