Heteroscedastic Gaussian Regression

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We load all the necessary packages

using AbstractGPs
using ApproximateGPs
using ArraysOfArrays
using AugmentedGPLikelihoods
using Distributions
using LinearAlgebra
using SplitApplyCombine

Plotting libraries

using Plots

We create some random data (sorted for plotting reasons)

N = 100
x = collect(range(-10, 10; length=N))
lik = HeteroscedasticGaussianLikelihood(InvScaledLogistic(3.0))
SplitApplyCombine.invert(x::ArrayOfSimilarArrays) = nestedview(flatview(x)')

kernel = 5.0 * with_lengthscale(SqExponentialKernel(), 2.0)
gp_f = GP(kernel)
μ₀g = -3.0
gp_g = GP(μ₀g, kernel)
f = rand(gp_f(x, 1e-6))
g = rand(gp_g(x, 1e-6))

py = lik(invert([f, g]))  # invert turns [f, g] into [[f_1, g_1], ...]
y = rand(py);

We plot the sampled data

plt = plot(x, mean(py); ribbon=sqrt.(var(py)), label="y|f,g", lw=2.0)
scatter!(plt, x, y; msw=0.0, label="y")
plt2 = plot(x, [f, g]; label=["f" "g"], lw=2.0)
plot(plt, plt2)

CAVI Updates

We write our CAVI algorithmm

function u_posterior(fz, m, S)
    return posterior(SparseVariationalApproximation(Centered(), fz, MvNormal(copy(m), S)))

We can also optimize the likelihood parameter λ

function opt_lik(
    (qf, qg)::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{<:Normal}},
    ψ = AugmentedGPLikelihoods.second_moment.(qf .- y) / 2
    c = sqrt.(AugmentedGPLikelihoods.second_moment.(qg))
    σ̃g = AugmentedGPLikelihoods.approx_expected_logistic.(-mean.(qg), c)
    λ = max(length(y) / (2 * dot(ψ, 1 .- σ̃g)), lik.invlink.λ)
    return HeteroscedasticGaussianLikelihood(InvScaledLogistic(λ))

function cavi!(fzs, x, y, ms, Ss, qΩ, lik; niter=10)
    K = ApproximateGPs._chol_cov(fzs[1])
    for _ in 1:niter
        posts_u = u_posterior.(fzs, ms, Ss)
        posts_fs = AbstractGPs.marginals.([p_u(x) for p_u in posts_u])
        lik = opt_lik(lik, posts_fs, y)
        aux_posterior!(qΩ, lik, y, invert(posts_fs))
        ηs, Λs = expected_auglik_potential_and_precision(lik, qΩ, y, invert(posts_fs))
        Ss .= inv.(Symmetric.(Ref(inv(K)) .+ Diagonal.(Λs)))
        ms .= Ss .* (ηs .+ Ref(K) .\ mean.(fzs))
    return lik
cavi! (generic function with 1 method)

Now we just initialize the variational parameters

ms = nestedview(zeros(N, nlatent(lik)))
Ss = [Matrix{Float64}(I(N)) for _ in 1:nlatent(lik)]
qΩ = init_aux_posterior(lik, N)
fzs = [gp_f(x, 1e-8), gp_g(x, 1e-8)];
x_te = -10:0.01:10

We run CAVI for 3-4 iterations

new_lik = cavi!(fzs, x, y, ms, Ss, qΩ, lik; niter=20);

And visualize the obtained variational posterior

f_te = u_posterior(fzs[1], ms[1], Ss[1])(x_te)
g_te = u_posterior(fzs[2], ms[2], Ss[2])(x_te)
plot!(plt, x_te, mean(f_te); ribbon=sqrt.(new_lik.invlink.(mean(g_te))), label="y|q(f,g)")
plot!(plt2, f_te; color=1, linestye=:dash, alpha=0.5, label="q(f)")
plot!(plt2, g_te; color=2, linestyle=:dash, alpha=0.5, label="q(g)")
plot(plt, plt2)


How can one compute the Augmented ELBO? Again AugmentedGPLikelihoods provides helper functions to not have to compute everything yourself

function aug_elbo(lik, u_post, x, y)
    qf = marginals(u_post(x))
    qΩ = aux_posterior(lik, y, qf)
    return expected_logtilt(lik, qΩ, y, qf) - aux_kldivergence(lik, qΩ, y) -
           kldivergence(u_post.approx.q, u_post.approx.fz)
aug_elbo (generic function with 1 method)

Gibbs Sampling

We create our Gibbs sampling algorithm (we could do something fancier with AbstractMCMC)

function gibbs_sample(fzs, fs, Ω; nsamples=200)
    K = ApproximateGPs._chol_cov(fzs[1])
    Σ = [zeros(N, N) for _ in 1:nlatent(lik)]
    μ = [zeros(N) for _ in 1:nlatent(lik)]
    return map(1:nsamples) do _
        aux_sample!(Ω, lik, y, invert(fs))
        Σ .=
                    Ref(inv(K)) .+ Diagonal.(auglik_precision(lik, Ω, y, invert(fs)))
        μ .= Σ .* (auglik_potential(lik, Ω, y, invert(fs)) .+ Ref(K) .\ mean.(fzs))
        rand!.(MvNormal.(μ, Σ), fs) # this corresponds to f -> g
        return copy(fs)

We initialize our random variables

fs_init = nestedview(randn(N, nlatent(lik)))
Ω = init_aux_variables(lik, N);

Run the sampling for default number of iterations (200)

fs_samples = gibbs_sample(fzs, fs_init, Ω);

And visualize the samples overlapped to the variational posterior that we found earlier.

for fs in fs_samples
    plot!(plt, x, fs[1]; color=3, alpha=0.07, label="")
    for i in 1:nlatent(lik)
        plot!(plt2, x, fs[i]; color=i, alpha=0.07, label="")

plot(plt, plt2)

Package and system information
Package information (click to expand)
Status `~/work/AugmentedGPLikelihoods.jl/AugmentedGPLikelihoods.jl/examples/heteroscedasticgaussian/Project.toml`
  [99985d1d] AbstractGPs v0.5.19
  [298c2ebc] ApproximateGPs v0.4.5
  [65a8f2f4] ArraysOfArrays v0.6.1
  [4689c64d] AugmentedGPLikelihoods v0.4.18 `/home/runner/work/AugmentedGPLikelihoods.jl/AugmentedGPLikelihoods.jl#727b50a`
  [31c24e10] Distributions v0.25.102
  [98b081ad] Literate v2.15.0
  [91a5bcdd] Plots v1.39.0
  [03a91e81] SplitApplyCombine v1.2.2
To reproduce this notebook's package environment, you can download the full Manifest.toml.
System information (click to expand)
Julia Version 1.9.3
Commit bed2cd540a1 (2023-08-24 14:43 UTC)
Build Info:
  Official https://julialang.org/ release
Platform Info:
  OS: Linux (x86_64-linux-gnu)
  CPU: 2 × Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8272CL CPU @ 2.60GHz
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-14.0.6 (ORCJIT, skylake-avx512)
  Threads: 1 on 2 virtual cores
  JULIA_LOAD_PATH = :/home/runner/.julia/packages/JuliaGPsDocs/7M86H/src

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