User Guide


ApproximateGPs builds on top of AbstractGPs.jl, so all of its features are reexported automatically by ApproximateGPs.

using ApproximateGPs, Random
rnd = MersenneTwister(1453)  # set a random seed

First, we construct a prior Gaussian process with a Matern-3/2 kernel and zero mean function, and sample some data. More exotic kernels can be constructed using KernelFunctions.jl.

f = GP(Matern32Kernel())

x = rand(rng, 100)
fx = f(x, 0.1)  # Observe the GP with Gaussian observation noise (σ² = 0.1)
y = rand(rng, f(x))  # Sample from the GP prior at x

The exact GP posterior

The exact posterior of f conditioned on y at inputs x is given by

exact_posterior = posterior(fx, y)

Constructing a sparse approximation

To construct a sparse approximation to the exact posterior, we first need to select some inducing inputs. In this case, we simply pick a subset of the training data, but more sophisticated schemes for inducing point selection are provided in InducingPoints.jl.

M = 15  # The number of inducing points
z = x[1:M]

The inducing inputs z imply some latent function values u = f(z), sometimes called pseudo-points. The SparseVariationalApproximation specifies a distribution q(u) over the pseudo-points. In the case of GP regression, the optimal form for q(u) is a multivariate Gaussian, which is the only form of q currently supported by this package.

using Distributions, LinearAlgebra
q = MvNormal(zeros(length(z)), I)

Finally, we pass our q along with the inputs f(z) to obtain an approximate posterior GP:

fz = f(z, 1e-6)  # 'observe' the process at z with some jitter for numerical stability 
approx = SparseVariationalApproximation(fz, q)  # Instantiate everything needed for the approximation

sva_posterior = posterior(approx)  # Create the approximate posterior

The Evidence Lower Bound (ELBO)

The approximate posterior constructed above will be a very poor approximation, since q was simply chosen to have zero mean and covariance I. A measure of the quality of the approximation is given by the ELBO. Optimising this term with respect to the parameters of q and the inducing input locations z will improve the approximation.

elbo(SparseVariationalApproximation(fz, q), fx, y)

A detailed example of how to carry out such optimisation is given in Regression: Sparse Variational Gaussian Process for Stochastic Optimisation with Flux.jl. For an example of non-conjugate inference, see Classification: Sparse Variational Approximation for Non-Conjugate Likelihoods with Optim's L-BFGS.

Available Parametrizations

Two parametrizations of q(u) are presently available: Centered and NonCentered. The Centered parametrization expresses q(u) directly in terms of its mean and covariance. The NonCentered parametrization instead parametrizes the mean and covariance of ε := cholesky(cov(u)).U' \ (u - mean(u)). These parametrizations are also known respectively as "Unwhitened" and "Whitened".

The choice of parametrization can have a substantial impact on the time it takes for ELBO optimization to converge, and which parametrization is better in a particular situation is not generally obvious. That being said, the NonCentered parametrization often converges in fewer iterations, so it is the default – it is what is used in all of the examples above.

If you require a particular parametrization, simply use the 3-argument version of the approximation constructor:

SparseVariationalApproximation(Centered(), fz, q)
SparseVariationalApproximation(NonCentered(), fz, q)

For a general discussion around these two parametrizations, see e.g. [Gorinova]. For a GP-specific discussion, see e.g. section 3.4 of [Paciorek].